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/Revision Course (Math and Physics)

Revision Course (Math and Physics)

2 Courses

JEE Simplified

Hind and English

Access till 2026-06-19

This is a package for Revision Course for Maths and Physics.


Statistically, a majority of JEE aspirants struggle to start proper revision, as they get caught up in trying to complete the full syllabus. This often leads to significant setbacks, causing them to rush their preparation at the last moment, which can impact their performance. This course will help you build a structured daily revision routine, dedicating two hours each day to get you fully prepared for the January battle of JEE Mains.

In this course, each chapter is divided into three key components:

  1. Paced Recorded Lectures: Each lecture, lasting 60 to 80 minutes, covers all the essential and nuanced points crucial for both JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.

  2. Problem-Solving Videos: A detaild videos solving 30 important problems, thoroughly covering the chapter, and teaching effective methods to approach and solve problems.

  3. Chapter Test: A live test of 30 problems conducted on Zoom to assess your understanding of the chapter.

In addition to these academic elements, weekly Guidance sessions will be held, where mentors guide you through your revision journey and actively support your doubts.

The community will be divided into three groups based on your average mock scores:

  1. Under 30
  2. 30 to 60
  3. Above 60

​​​​​​ Groups will be reshuffled after every three tests. Students may be promoted or demoted based on their performance,
 So the goal is to strive for the top group.

About the creator

About the creator

JEE Simplified

Passionate about math, Pratham has been teaching students since 2019 meanwhile pursuing his endeavours of different domains of computer science that involve high-level mathematics.
He will be teaching Maths

Priyank is an IIT Kanpur graduate who is pursuing research in field of theoretical High-Energy Physics. He has always been passionate about building a deep conceptual understanding of physics among students.
He will be teaching Physics

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₹ 2500.00



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Revision Course (Math and Physics)


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